*All participants must pay to attend the classes that occur at locations such as Hannah Park, where there is a small fee for entree. (Rarely will any class go to places that charge more than the aforementioned Hannah Park)

Nature Journaling

Nature journaling is the practice of recording observations and reflections about the natural world through a combination of writing, sketching, and sometimes painting or other forms of artistic expression. It involves documenting details such as plants, animals, landscapes, weather patterns, and any other elements of the environment that capture the journalist's interest. Nature journaling encourages a deeper connection with nature, sharpens observational skills, and fosters creativity and appreciation for the world around us.


In this class the client will be taught the nature journalists' ways. From observation, focusing the awareness of senses, drawing animals, landscapes, plants, and more.

Here is a brief summary on the course concepts.


1-6 CURIOSITY Observation and intentional curiosity - Observation, Curiosity, and creativity are skills that you can develop. Learn to observe deeply and open yourself to the wonder of inquiry and investigation. Embrace what you do not know as a point of departure to explore the mystery of the world.

7-18 FOCUS Projects that focus awareness - As you observe the world, using your journal will focus your observations, enhance your memory, and catalyze your creativity. When you walk outside with your journal, pick a project to focus your awareness. The projects in the following sections give you new lenses through which to look at the world. Use them as invitations to inquiry and to launch your discoveries in nature.

19-28 INQUIRY TOOL KIT Methods of deepening inquiry - As you follow a question, use this dynamic set of tools to help you along the way. Counting, measuring, estimating, making lists, transcribing sounds, drawing, creating diagrams, writing scientific descriptions, and recording personal insights can deepen any investigation. These tools enable you to look for new types of information, find hidden patterns, and make discoveries. 

29-33 VISUAL THINKING Visual thinking and displaying information - The interaction between observation and recording in your journal slows you down and gives structure to your thoughts. Paying attention to the organization and layout of your journal pages will help you retrieve information from your notebooks and help future readers scan and understand your observations. The choices you make about what elements to place alongside others will change the way you think about them. A varied and playful approach to placing elements on the page also stimulates creativity. 

?-? DRAWING nature drawing - Drawing deepens observation and strengthens memory. It fundamentally changes the way you observe and is a powerful complement to writing, mapping, and other note-taking skills. Like all skills, it is learnable and improves with practice.

?-? ANIMALS How to draw animals - Animals large and small are delightful to study and sketch. When you are lucky enough to find them in the field, grab your journal and see if you can learn something new from your direct observations.  

?-? WILDFLOWERS How to draw wildflowers - Wildflowers are one of the great joys of spring and summer. As we study this life, we will keep an eye out for pollinators or other animals that emerge as we quietly sit. Additionally, will map the geometry behind the flowers helping you draw them more easily and accurately.

?-? LANDSCAPES How to draw landscapes - Landscape sketching is about more than drawing. By spending quiet and focused time in nature, you embed a moment in your memory. You give yourself time to slow down to nature's pace, and the expression of the moment inspires gratitude in your heart. Drawing the landscape also brings your attention to large scale patterns in nature, from the structure of glaciated valleys to the boundaries and arrangement of plant communities. Taking in the big picture and gazing to the horizon is important both as a naturalist and as a grounded human being. 


Throughout the course new concepts and techniques of displaying the journalists' capabilities will be presented. Additionally, each segment will occur in at least one unique location. These locations may consist of the Zoo or beach, when signing up for this class you must give consent to pay for attendance to these locations, attendance is not required if the client is unwilling to pay for the trip.